
Website Redesign

22 August 2020 | 1 minute read

Tags: hugo, html

New website, first post.

I’ve recently migrated from my old Jeykll powered static site, hosted on GitHub pages, to this current site which use Hugo as the site generator. The reason for this is three fold,

Unlike my experience of Jeykll, the installation and running of hugo was significantly easier. Hugo has a very simple running mechanism as it provides a single executable without dependencies for most operating systems. It made it annoying to update the website and provided too much friction to update.

Secondly, the R package blogdown supports Hugo by default. I have yet to actually use blogdown on this website (everything has been implemented outside of blogdown) but it is something I look forward to exploring more.

Thirdly, I felt it was time for a fresher new theme, hopefully without as many pages as the previous website had. If you are interested, the theme is called Introduction.

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